As UK bookshops face another shutdown (and around the holidays no less!), many shops are quickly fortifying their online presence, eCommerce, and email marketing capabilities. In addition to their own shop websites, many are turning to newly launched BookShop, where they can create a virtual shopfront. This allows them to direct customers to BookShop for ordering and accept orders from customers who find their way to When customers purchase books from their BookShop storefront, BookShop handles shipping while shops receive the most of the profit margin.
The Bookshop virtual shopfront can be used in addition to or as a replacement for a shop’s own eCommerce site. However, to really get the most out of it, shops still need to provide the personalized handselling their customers rely on while directing customers to the online shop. That’s where another free tool comes in – Edelweiss360.
Edelweiss360 allows shops to create targeted email campaigns that promote titles or events - in just minutes. This allows shops to continue to provide personalized customer service and handselling in a virtual environment. Emails can direct sales to either the shop’s website or the shop’s BookShop virtual shopfront.
Edelweiss360 is so easy and efficient because it integrates shop sales and inventory data with title data into a simple email marketing platform. This means stores can send an email about upcoming history books to their customers who have purchased history books from them in the past – all without needing to worry about jacket cover images, copying title info, running customer reports, or manually managing eCommerce links.
Already have a BookShop site? Shops that use Edelweiss+Analytics (another free tool for UK shops) can easily create lists for their BookShop shopfront. Learn more:
Getting Started with Edelweiss360: Shops can complete this information form to activate Edelweiss360 for their shop.